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![Scientists in Love: Stories about the fantasies](
When Saurin Choksi starts dating a neuroscientist, it challenges his assumptions about gender roles, and Wendy Suzuki's trajectory as a neuroscientist is forever altered by a passionate love affair in Paris.
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Reserve your spot now for our upcoming mainstage show about the unknown!
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![Online Story Hour - The Unknown](
Join us Thursday, August 6 at 7 pm ET for our Online Story Hour!
Join us Friday, August 14 at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT for our St. Louis Story Hour!
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Every year, we host dozens of live shows - in person and now online - featuring all kinds of storytellers: researchers, doctors, and engineers of course, but also patients, poets, comedians, and more. Some of our stories are heartbreaking, others are hilarious. They're all true and all very personal. Browse our latest episodes to hear what do.
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![Shame: Stories about the judgment of others](
Jamie Brickhouse's HIV-positive status becomes a point of tension at the dentist's office, and diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a child, Anders Lee struggles with this identity as an adult preparing to donate sperm.
![Help from Family Part 2: Stories about taking care of relatives](
After her mom's version of the sex talk confuses her, Khadija Aweis is determined to make sure her little brother has clarity, and when Leesha Maliakal takes on an ambitious research project designing an app for marathon spectators, her supportive dad tries to help.
![Help from Family Part 1: Stories about complicated relationships](
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Shawn Hercules is a successful gospel radio deejay in Barbados, but he dreams of a different kind of life in science, and Emma Young feels ready for her first real job in science, surveying northern spotted owls, until she encounters some unexpected fears.